Trinidad and Tobago’s Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar said she is preparing a Private Bill to bring before Parliament proposing separate legislation for home invasions.

Speaking at the United National Congress (UNC) Monday night forum, Persad-Bissessar urged supporters to speak out and make their voices heard.

Persad-Bissessar proposed adopting ‘stand your ground’ laws whereby victims of home invasions would be able to defend themselves using deadly force. 

“I have been busy drafting a piece of law together with the help of some of our lawyers. We are drafting a private member’s bill that I will take to Parliament on your behalf to fight the home invasions in our country. Stand your ground law, increasing the penalties for home invasions.” T&T’s opposition leader said.

The development comes after a spate of reports of home invasions as well as a recent symposium on crime in the region as a public health issue.

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