The Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) is urging teachers to resume work on the last day of the current term and the first day of the new term in September to avoid being removed from the payroll.

“The precedence would have already been set that if you are not there the last and the first day that your names are most times taken off of the paysheet and your salaries withheld,” GTU Vice President Collis Nicholson told teachers on Tuesday night.

The union has hinted at pursuing further legal action in the High Court to compel the Labour Minister to resolve the pay dispute.

At the meeting, several teachers suggested returning to school during the last week of this term (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) to prepare for the upcoming school year, in accordance with Ministry of Education regulations.

Another proposal under consideration involves signing a ‘terms of resumption’ agreement without any immediate financial incentives, such as a 20% interim salary increase, a GUY$150,000 cash grant, or the reinstatement of union dues, coupled with a 21-day conciliation period in July facilitated by Guyana’s Chief Labour Officer.

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