As the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) celebrated its 85th anniversary, the future leaders have been encouraged to fearlessly build upon its “glorious legacy”.   

The oldest political party in the English-speaking Caribbean commemorated 85 years with a Founders’ Day Service at the St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cathedral on Sunday, April 16. 

The service was attended by leader, Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, Government Ministers, stalwarts and supporters. 

During her remarks, Prime Minister Mottley encouraged the youth to build upon the legacy of the party, formed under the leadership of former premier and national hero, Grantley Adams. Mottley stressed that serving the people of Barbados was first and foremost. 

Mottley spoke on the importance of the ‘Covenant of Hope’ which underscores the party’s vision for Barbados, achievable through cooperation, collaboration and solidarity. 

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