Most of the house fires that occur here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines are caused by negligence on the part of the homeowner, according to Head of the Fire Department Superintendent Joel James.

He was at the time speaking on VC3’s Roundtable Talk this week, where he disclosed that there have been 82 fires reported in SVG so far this year, 25 of those being house fires.

‘Most of the house fires are because of negligence on the part of the homeowners. Some persons are overcharging their electrical equipment. Some persons would plug in a number of   electrical equipment into one outlet with an adapter and sometimes these adapters are overheating and create an ignition, and if you have an ignition and for example you have wires in an outlet box, and these  wires are insulated, so then right there you have fuel which will burn and continue to burn  outwards until it meets other fuel to create a bigger fire,’ he said.

He also cited intoxication and cooking while extremely fatigued as other forms of negligence that contribute to house fires here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

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