On June 4th, 2024, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Keisal Peters took the podium at the UWI Global Campus.

She was there for the In-Country CSME consultations, led by Mr. Leo Titus Preville, Director of CARICOM Single Market, to engage with stakeholders from the private sector.

During her address, Minister Peters underscored the vital partnership between the public and private sectors in driving national development goals. She emphasized CARICOM’s role in fostering economic integration and cooperation among Member States, especially highlighting the potential benefits as CARICOM Member States transition towards full freedom of movement for nationals.

Minister Peters outlined the Ministry’s forthcoming objectives, announcing the establishment of a Business and Labour Advisory Committee (BLAC). This committee’s purpose would be to facilitate ongoing consultation and engagement on CSME and broader trade matters with stakeholders from the private sector, labor organizations, and civil society groups.

Furthermore, she urged collaboration among private sector entities, emphasizing the importance of pooling resources and expertise to advance shared interests. Minister Peters encouraged the formation of associations and sector groups to leverage collective strength and foster mutual growth and development.

Taiwan National Day Celebration


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