Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry & Labour Saboto Caesar has provided a breakdown of the 165 medicinal cannabis licenses granted here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
According to the agriculture minister, of those 165 licenses granted, 95 were to traditional cultivators, 12 were to traditional cultivator groups, 20 to local cultivator groups, 20 were granted to local companies and 18 were granted to 18 foreign investor companies.
“So 95 traditional cultivators, 12 traditional cultivator groups, because growing cannabis and growing it at certain standards, it’s better if you can obtain the synergies that you will get if you’re working together. So 12 groups are formed and we encourage these groups’ formation.
Local cultivators, 20. So a local cultivator is someone who didn’t plant weed before, he doesn’t qualify as a traditional cultivator, he’s a Vincentian, but he’s getting into the industry. 20 local companies and 18 foreign investor companies. That’s a grand total of 165.”
According to Minister Caesar, three companies have obtained international certification.
The Medicinal Cannabis Bill was passed on December 11th 2018. It paved the way for the medicinal cannabis industry to take shape here in SVG.