The uptick in vaccination numbers across various sectors has been promising, according to Prime Minister Dr. the Hon. Ralph Gonsalves, while speaking on radio earlier this week.

“On Friday afternoon, the numbers at the airport were almost at 62 percent. A few days earlier they were under 33 percent, so it’s increasing and I expect that other persons would have taken it over the weekend and I know that arrangements have been made for the vaccine caravan to go out to the airport” he said.

Prime Minister Gonsalves then spoke on the vaccination of nurses.

“They have picked up quite well. Just a few days ago the numbers were at seventy-something percent among the nurses and I think it is higher now”. He said.

Also mentioned by the Prime Minister was the vaccination of the nation’s educators.

“I had the teachers’ report; about maybe nine days ago there was 57 percent, I know that a number of persons have taken [the vaccine] since then. The data which comes in from the teachers; because you have 61 primary schools and 28 secondary schools, they take more time to come in, but I expect to get the up to date figures today, and I suspect that those also will show significant increases”. The Prime Minister said.

Finally, the Prime Minister addressed vaccination numbers of the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force (RSVGPF).

“As of Friday evening, the police are at 68 percent. Earlier in the week last week, the prisons were at 70/71 percent. The uptick has been quite promising”. Gonsalves said.

As of November 19, 2021, all frontline workers in St Vincent and the Grenadines should have already taken an available COVID-19 vaccine, as required under the Public Health Amendment Act 2021.

Prime Minister Gonsalves on vaccine uptick.
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