Over 200 arrowroot farmers convened at Sandy Bay Primary School on June 6th, 2024, in response to a call for action. The devastating impact of the volcanic eruption in 2021, which destroyed the Arrowroot factory in Owia, necessitates a collective effort towards replanting.

Encouraging the farmers to prepare for this endeavor, Keisha Ballantyne – Billingy emphasized the importance of regrowth and resilience in the face of adversity. Since the eruption, the government has been extending financial support to sustain the livelihoods of arrowroot farmers.

During the meeting, Minister of Agriculture, Saboto Caesar, disclosed that the government is allocating $426,401.50 in income support to assist 277 farmers this year. This aid aims to mitigate the economic hardships faced by the farming community in the aftermath of the natural disaster.

Addressing the gathering, Area Representative Montgomery Daniel reflected on the rich history of the arrowroot industry and expressed gratitude to the farmers for their unwavering dedication over the years.

Taiwan National Day Celebration


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