Dr. Ralph Gonsalves

Prime Minister Dr. the Hon. Ralph Gonsalves during last week’s press conference at the Cabinet room, took the time to appeal to the young people of this country to acquire skills today in order to have a more secure tomorrow.

“There are abundant opportunities, and I’m making this point; if today you are 21 years old and you don’t start to have skills, please begine quickly to acquire them.” He said.

Gonsalves said that while it may be difficult now to get by without acquiring skills, it will get even more difficult as time progresses.

“If you think it is difficult to survive now without having some form of skills, because it is no longer just the question of development with unlimited supplies of labour, we have to have an abundance of skills, that is where the development is taking place” Gonsalves said.

The Prime Minister pointed towards the future, specifically the year 2050 where he described living in that time without any skills as a “nightmare”.

“In 2050, you’d remember I told you this today, I wouldn’t be alive, I’d be dead by then; that if you don’t have skills, it’s a problem now, but 2050, it would be nightmare.”

PM Gonsalves on Acquiring Skills
Taiwan National Day Celebration


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