Individuals in COVID-19 isolation will now be eligible for release from isolation without a negative PCR result. This is according to information provided by the Chief Medical Officer Dr. Simone Keizer Beache, during her call to the Issues at hand program.

“As of Wednesday gone, we took the decision to release somebody from isolation, so a known positive case; the recommendation from WHO/PAHO is that if you have been in isolation for fourteen days and you have been asymptomatic, so no symptoms, no cough, no fever for the last three days of that isolation period, you can be released from isolation without a PCR test”. The CMO said.

Dr. Keizer Beache said that the Health Authorities will be in contact with any person that has been isolation for fourteen days. However she advised persons that if they have not been contacted by that time, to instead contact the authorities.

“Anybody who has been in isolation for fourteen days, we would be contacting you, if we don’t get to contact you, we would ask that you contact your clinic to confirm that you can be released from isolation without having a PCR test”. The Chief Medical Officer said.

Dr. Keizer Beache reiterated that those still experiencing symptoms on day fourteen of isolation need to consult with their healthcare providing before leaving isolation.

CMO on Isolation Protocols
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