Minister of Health, Wellness and the Environment St. Clair Prince is urging Vincentians to get more physically active in the interest of their health.

Minister Prince was at the time addressing a closing ceremony of a World Diabetes Day workshop.

The health minister pointed to the establishment of the Glenside Recreational Centre as one of the developments that were put in place to make physical activity more accessible.

“One of the reasons that I rushed, and I was so passionate in getting the Glenside recreational center up and running was because I expect that villagers, people around would use it, do exercises, go down there, run up and down, sweat, that’s what we wanted for, that’s one of the reasons—bring it closer to you. No sense I tell you go walk to Cane End or walk to somewhere else and you can just go on the court in the evening after work, put the lights on and sweat, we need to move more,” he said.

Minister Prince during his address also called on Vincentians to take non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and hypertension more seriously.

He also noted that the majority of persons being treated at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH) are affected by these diseases.

Taiwan National Day Celebration


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