Minister of Education and Reconciliation Curtis King said that the education ministry is very pleased with the results of this year’s Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA) exams.

Minister King, during a call to WE FM’s Issue At Hand program, while making note of an upward trend in the results, commended educators for the work they would have done in ensuring students are prepared for the exams.

“We are very satisfied with the performance of the students at this year’s CPEA examinations. What we are noticing is a trend that is going upward and we are very happy with that trend. We must commend the principals, the staff at the various primary schools and staff, meaning the entire staff, not just the grade six teachers, for their hard work and their continued dedication towards producing the students with the necessary skills that is required for them at the secondary level.” Minister King said.

The Ministry of Education reported that 87.68% of students who took the CPEA exams achieved the required standards, marking an improvement from last year’s 85.17%.

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