Thirty seven Vincentians have left to pursue undergraduate studies at the University Wales Trinity St. David. This was disclosed by Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves during a call to the Issues at Hand program on Sunday.

Prime Minister Gonsalves also explain why some of the students had not left for the university at the same time.

“Wednesday evening, Virgin Atlantic took 37 young Vincentians to the University of Wales Trinity St. David. There are 40 of them doing undergraduate studies; 37 went off because three of the 40 did not go for three different reasons.”

Prime Minister Gonsalves then went on to discuss the various reasons why those three students were not on Wednesday’s flight.

“One declined and the time was too short for that person to be replaced. The second is recovering from covid and would join later; and third is pregnant and will join later.” He said.

The Prime Minister said that the students that stayed behind due to pregnancy and COVID-19 will still continue their studies online until their individual situations permit them to the university.

He also disclosed that all fifteen graduate students are currently taking part in their classes online.

Fifty five fully funded scholarships from the University of Wales Trinity St. David were made available to Vincentians last year.

Forty of the scholarships are for full-time undergraduate study within the University in Wales, and an additional 15 graduate scholarships were made available for online delivery.

Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves on students leave for University of Wales Trinity St. David
Taiwan National Day Celebration


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