Work on the Acute Referral Hospital at Arnos Vale is expected to start by the first quarter of 2023.

This is according to Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves while speaking on radio earlier this week.

While speaking about the project, Dr. Gonsalves also expressed his preference of using the word modern as opposed to new when describing several of the Government’s projects.

“The physical project should start certainly by the middle of next year—I expect it to start from first quarter of next year, but you know sometimes a little bureaucratic thing here and there may hold it down,” the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister reminded listeners that the project being undertaken is no easy feat, and that it requires immense planning and must go through numerous processes.

Gonsalves then spoke of his preference of using the modern as opposed to new when describing various projects.

“…the anchor project for the new city—the modern city, out at Arnos Vale. I don’t like the word new so much, you notice I call them modern because; modern public library, a modern fisheries complex, modern little Tokyo, the modern port project…” The Prime Minister said.

Prime Minister Gonsalves on Start on Acute Referral Hospital.
Taiwan National Day Celebration


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