The general public here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines will be sensitized on the importance and purpose of the Government printery.
This will be done via a hosting of a week of activities from June 3rd to 7th, dubbed Printery Week 2024.
Government Printer Errol Commissiong said that the week of activities will be kickstarted with a church service.
Also included in the week of activities will be a one-day internship at the printery, exhibitions, prize competition and more, the API reports.
As Mr. Commissiong noted that the Government Printery, which was established in 1844, has made immense contributions to the public over the years, he encouraged members of the public to come and support the Government Printery’s week of activities.
He said that it is hope that through these activities the public would be better informed about the levels of contributions that the printery has made to the government, charities and statutory bodies.