Dr. Ralph Gonsalves

Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Ralph Gonsalves while speaking on radio earlier this morning addressed the situation concerning Hon. Senator Ashelle Morgan that is currently under investigation.

“This thing which has been making the rounds about Senator Morgan and the assistant DPP; how does anyone expect the Prime Minister to make a public comment about allegations made by someone else, which is a subject of a police investigation.” Gonsalves said.

Gonsalves went on to ask another question pertaining to the matter.

“Why do you take the allegations of one person as being the truth? And people running with it and talking with it as if it’s the unvarnished truth and the unvarnished facts. I hope for their sake, they don’t run into problems with the laws of defamation.” The Prime Minister said.

Gonsalves questioned why the public desired for all things to be revealed while an official police investigation is underway.

“Why do people think that everything has to be hung out to dry in the public place when an investigation is going on?”

Prime Minister Gonsalves then expressed his confidence in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Office of the Commissioner of Police in dealing with the matter in an appropriate manner.

“The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Office of the Commissioner of Police, I’m sure will work properly and independently in the highest traditions in this matter.” Gonsalves said.

Taiwan National Day Celebration


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