Epidemiologist within the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment, Ms. Tamara Bobb during last week’s press conference provided information, showing where the majority this country’s active cases of COVID-19 are located.

“The district with the majority of active cases would be the Kingstown Health District, and then we have Calliaqua, and Marriaqua. This is just an idea of where the active cases are. I’m not going to zoom in on the communities at this time”. Ms. Bobb said.

She noted that the number of active cases could actually be higher than the numbers portrayed, due to the fact that sometimes when the health authorities receive reports, the address of the individual is not readily available, which will then mean that they are unsure of what health district to categorize them in.

Bobb however said that over time as the information is received, the numbers will be updated, which might result in an increase.

Ms. Tamara Bobb on cases within the Kingstown Health District.
Taiwan National Day Celebration


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