Chief Medical Officer Dr. Simone Keizer Beache while speaking on radio urged Vincentians to be cautious of COVID-19 this Christmas season, ensuring they follow all COVID-19 protocols as to prevent COVID-19 infection and spread.

The CMO first discussed how shoppers can travel to town in a safe way to do their Christmas shopping.

“When persons want to come into town to do their Christmas shopping, we’re asking persons to be mindful, keep that mask on, and if  that vehicle you are thinking of coming into town—that public transport, that van is van is full, you don’t to be in that. So you want to insist that you are in a van that’s not jammed up, and even when you’re in a van that’s not jammed up, keep your mask on”. The CMO said.

Dr. Keizer Beache then touched on how shoppers can check items off their list in the safest way possible.

“If you’re passing through a store and it looks really rammed, you’d better not go there, maybe you go earlier or you pass back later, and when you do go in you make sure you wear your mask, keep sanitizing, because everybody is touching everything that you are touching. So you are going to make sure that you have your hand sanitizer with you, sanitize before you go in and sanitize when you come out, you keep your mask on and you avoid those jam sessions.” She said.

The Chief Medical Officer during their interview stressed the importance of vaccination in concert with COVID-19 protocols in order to keep the spread of the virus under control in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

CMO Simone Keizer Beache on caution this Christmas Season
Taiwan National Day Celebration


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