Minister with responsibility for culture Carlos James has made a call for all components of carnival to be present SVG’s rural celebrations.

Minister James called for the return of rural calypso events, an aspect of rural carnival that was prevalent in rural celebrations in the past but now isn’t, as well other components.

“We want to see a lot more of the rural calypsos, not just the tents, but we must have a rural calypso competition. We used to have these things back in the day and we have to see the emergence of that. And we have to set the bar so high that if we were to have a qualifier, call ourselves a rural carnival, whether it’s in north, windward or leeward, there are some criteria which we have to meet, which is calypso.

Hosting a calypso competition, or soca monarch, a pageant, at least one section with costumes. That is what all the components of carnival must feature in a rural carnival. And we have to set the bar there and leave it there. We don’t drop it.” Minister James said.

At press conference held recently it was revealed that there would be no rural pageants held this year. According to Coordinator of Rural Carnival Dillon Morris, this is due to the late response of potential contestants to call for participation.

Taiwan National Day Celebration


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