Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley ­will ac­com­pa­ny the CARI­COM Chair­man—Bar­ba­dos Prime Min­is­ter Mia Mot­t­ley — and oth­er CARI­COM Heads of Gov­ern­ment on a mis­sion to Guyana, this morn­ing.

According to Cana News, the PM re­turned last night from an of­fi­cial vis­it to Ghana, where he was the guest of ho­n­our as the coun­try ob­served its 63rd An­niver­sary of In­de­pen­dence.

Dr .Row­ley will leave on a LI­AT char­ter flight due at Pi­ar­co from Bar­ba­dos where he will join his CARI­COM col­leagues from Bar­ba­dos, Grena­da and Do­mini­ca.

The Del­e­ga­tion, af­ter meet­ing with all the main ac­tors in the Guyanese elec­tion im­passe, will de­part Guyana to­mor­row, Thurs­day 12 March, 2020.

Min­is­ter of Fi­nance, Colm Im­bert, will act as Prime Min­is­ter un­til Dr Row­ley’s re­turn.

Taiwan National Day Celebration


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