There is considerable merit in the appeal of the High Court’s judgement in what has been dubbed the “vaccine case” by many in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

This is according to Senior Counsel Anthony Astaphan, who is part of the legal team representing the Government.

“We have advised the Government that we believe that there is considerable merit in an appeal, and we have also advised the Government that in the public interest an appeal is required for the very simple reason that the Government needs to know and to have the guidance of a higher court about what needs to be done or should be done or ought not to be done when the Executive branch of the Government and the Cabinet are confronted with a crisis like an infectious disease that kills and hospitalizes its citizens to say the least,” Astaphan said.

The High Court on Monday ruled that the government’s COVID-19 vaccine requirement and the dismissals springing from it are unconstitutional and void.

Astaphan said while they respect the right of the High Court to deliver a judgement, they also believe they have a duty, if not an obligation to review the reasons advanced by the judge and advise the Government if there is merit in an appeal or whether or not the public interest demands there be an appeal.
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