The youth of St. Vincent and the Grenadines are being encouraged to take part in their schools’ bands, as there are many benefits to be derived from doing so.

This is according to Culture Officer Maxine Browne during the 2023 National Secondary Schools’ Bands Showcase Launch.

Ms. Browne highlighted the improvement of skills such as multitasking that will benefit students in the later stages of their educational journey and adulthood.

“Music enhances your multitasking skills, skills that will come in handy when you go to university, it will take you to adulthood. If you can’t multitask you can’t make it, you need to be able to multitask and music provides that. From a cultural standpoint I will continue to recommend the SVGTCCU National School Bands showcase to anyone interested in creative expression, creative interaction and creative inspiration,”

“I therefore recommend that you get involved in your school band. Besides creating beautiful music and the host of benefits I’ve already mentioned, the lessons you gain, the life skills you learn are incredible, are unmatched,” she added.

2023 National Secondary Schools’ Bands Showcase is set to take place on Saturday March 25th and will feature a variation of genres performed by School bands across St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
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