Several clinics across St. Vincent and the Grenadines will be upgraded, allowing residents in those areas to have easier access to higher quality healthcare.

The Calliaqua, Belair, Byrea, South Rivers clinics, are some of the clinics slated for upgrades, according to Minister of Finance Camillo Gonsalves.

“The Calliaqua clinic is one of the largest catchment areas and it’s just a very, very busy clinic and what was built there a long time ago just can’t manage the volume because Calliaqua, Glen, Fair Hall, Brighton areas—very large and growing communities. The clinic just can’t handle the volume, so we’re going to upgrade the Calliaqua clinic into a full polyclinic,” Gonsalves said.

The Finance Minister went on to speak about the plans for upgrades for other clinics throughout the country.

“The clinic in South Rivers is going to be a polyclinic, there’s going to be work on the clinic in Belair, there’s going to be work on the clinic in Byrea and there’s going to be work on the clinic in Greiggs, Cedars,” the Finance Minister.

The Finance Minister said with the upgrade of these clinics, the dependence of those in these communities on the Milton Cato Hospital will decrease, now that they have access to higher quality healthcare at a closer location.
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