Dr. Ralph Gonsalves

Members of Parliament will meet this week on Thursday March 21st, 2022, for the Sitting of Parliament, which Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves says several important pieces of legislation will be dealt with.

Prime Minister Gonsalves made mention of the Teachers’ Pension Amendment Bill will be dealt with during the Meeting of Parliament.

“There’s this peculiar situation in the teacher’s pension act, that if you were a Grade three or four [teacher] you can’t take early retirement” Gonsalves said.

The Prime Minister expressed that he does see this to be fair to those individuals.

“Now it is not fair, just because of the difference of the grade, and what would have happened, is that some persons thought they could have taken early retirement, they didn’t take the vaccine, made application for early retirement and the found themselves taking early retirement but because they didn’t act in concert with the law they had a problem” he said.

Prime Minister Gonsalves assured that with this amendment these Grades three and four teachers will be afforded the same opportunity for early retirement as those teaching higher grades.

“Teacher three and teacher four who reached 55 and who retired, to amend the teacher’s pension act to make sure that they get their pension in the same way as if they had been teacher 5 and above” he said.

The Meeting of Parliament takes place this Thursday at 10am.

Prime Minister Gonsalves on Teachers’ Pension Amendment Bill
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