Parents in St. Vincent and the Grenadine are being advised to install monitoring apps on devices used by their children.

This advice comes from Coordinator of the National Reconciliation Unit, Degra Michael, who emphasized the importance of parents being aware of their children’s device activity.

‘We as parents, we have to be aware of what our children are doing, and you can’t just say oh I don’t know. Everything you can learn online, you go on YouTube   and you find out how to, as a parent, and I’m sure a video is going to come up and give you some tips on how to.

There are certain apps, I know for one,  that I use, the family link app, and that is installed on the  child’s device and on the parent’s device, it’s a monitoring app. From that device you can  actually monitor what they are doing so you get an alert every time they enter into a program, it tells you how long they’ve been on a particular site. It actually has a lot of data on there–you can actually block them, you can just go on and log them out completely   if you think that they are spending too much time on a particular device. 

I know the children hate it because I have spoken to parents about it and it’s one of the dreaded apps because they figure ‘parents are outsmarting us now’’.

Miss Michael who was at the time speaking on NBC Radio’s On the Beat Program noted that the app is simple and easy to maneuver and it will help parents to stay on top of their children’s online activities.
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