Minister of Health, Wellness, and the Environment, St. Claire Prince, while delivering remarks at the Police Youth Club’s zonal public speaking competition applauded the work of the club.

He noted that the club is currently filling a void in the lives of young people who prefer to stay at home with their gadgets, which is detrimental to their growth.

“The Police Youth Club at this time is filling a gap because 20 or 30years ago there was a very spontaneous upbringing of consciousness among young people where they organized themselves into youth groups all across the country, we now see that there is a rebirth of that and that young people now prefer to stay home with their laptops and other gadgets and that does not bode well for the development of young people these days,” Minister Prince said.

Minister Prince extended congratulations to the person who initiated the youth club, as well as the students and parents who allowed their children to join the youth clubs.
Taiwan National Day Celebration


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