Public servants here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines received a 2.5% salary increase effective today January 30, 2025. This follows previous increases of 2.5% in 2023 and 2% in 2024, amounting to a cumulative 7% rise over three years.

The increase applies across all grades, with those eligible for incremental raises receiving an additional 2.5% on top of their scheduled adjustments. Budget Analyst Anson Latchman from the Ministry of Finance highlighted that, as a result, salaries in some grades will see significant growth.

For example, in 2023, a public servant in the Grade F scale earned between $48,108 and $62,436. In 2025, the same grade will start at $50,292 and max out at $65,268, reflecting the overall salary adjustments.

Additionally, nurses, nursing assistants, and nursing aides will continue receiving a supplementary 5% pay increase, extending beyond the initially proposed six-month period.

The salary adjustments aim to enhance compensation for public sector workers, reflecting ongoing economic measures to support government employees.

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