Ugandan Ddamulira Godfrey is currently facing a life in prison charge after 24 human skulls assumed to be used for human sacrifice was found in his possession.
Godfrey would be charged under the Prevention and Prohibition of Human Sacrifice Act according to Police spokesperson Patrick Onyango.
Animal remains and skins were also found in Mr. Godfrey’s shrine in the suburbs of the capital, Kampala.
Police continue the search of Mr. Godfrey’s shrine in the hopes of recovering more human remains.
Mr. Godfrey claims to be a traditional healer and herbalist but Uganda’s Traditional Healer’s Association has distanced itself from him.
Police have recovered multiple human skulls in recent weeks in similar discoveries all linked to human sacrifice for ritual purposes.
Some people in many African countries believe that magic charms made from human body parts will bring them good luck, for example to become rich, or alternatively to curse their enemies.