The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Conservation Fund’s Farmland Conservation Project for North Leeward farmers completed its fourth component in December 2022 which involved installing vetiver grass systems in 18 north leeward farm sites ranging from Petit Bordel in the north to Belle Isle Correctional Facility in the south.

The project designs Vetiver grass technology into farm systems to prevent erosion, regenerate soil quality and boost crop yields to sustainably develop SVG’s agricultural sector.

The project, designed and managed by Vonnie Roudette and implemented by local NGO Hand2Earth, aims to restore over 70 vetiver grass hedgerows (known in the area as ‘lavender grass’) that are over 80 years old and were part of the largest soil conservation project in the region.

An official release from Hand2Earth states that due to the lack of knowledge of farmers in recent times, much of the vetiver grass has been removed, and substantial amounts topsoil have been lost through erosion. The organization says that this project seeks to repair the hedgerows and prevent soil loss to benefit the livelihoods of farmer occupants.

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