As most schools here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines are set to be reopened on September 2nd, local authorities are working towards having shelterees that are housed in schools move in different accommodations.
This is according to Minister of Housing Dr. Orando Brewster who was at the time speaking on WE FM’s Issue At Hand program on Sunday.
“First of all, I want to say that I’m so grateful that many of the persons who were affected that they are currently in good accommodations because, as you know, we are clearing the shelters so that we can get most of them, which are schools, back in order for the reopening of school, which is going to happen, as announced, some on the second and other timelines will be given. I don’t want to speak for the Minister of Education, but as it is now, from my understanding, school will begin on September 2nd, some of the schools with others, and I’m sure that an announcement will come before this week is out.” Minister Brewster said.
In 29 shelters throughout SVG there are additionally 1,027 shelterees, 14 of which are schools.
The Government has assured that all shelterees are being cared for in respect of food, health, psychosocial support, and more.