Two days of “in­tense” polic­ing saw 138 peo­ple ar­rest­ed by po­lice over the week­end in a nationwide raid in Trinidad.

In the ex­er­cise which start­ed on Fri­day at 6 a.m. saw 22 drug blocks be­ing searched, eight guns, as well as a va­ri­ety of am­mu­ni­tion being seized.

A state­ment from the Po­lice Ser­vices said, 13 pro­hib­it­ed im­mi­grants were al­so de­tained, quan­ti­ties of drugs were seized and two stolen ve­hi­cles were also re­cov­ered.

The ex­er­cise, the first roll of out of Com­mis­sion­er Gary Grif­fith’s Op­er­a­tion Strike Back for 2019 start­ed just four days af­ter the Com­mis­sion­er was hospitalized and or­dered to rest.

According to the Trinidad Guardian, he spear­head­ed the op­er­a­tion which took place in all nine polic­ing di­vi­sions across the coun­try.

He said the coun­try re­quired such an ex­er­cise.

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